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Prayer - Son 02

  • Description

    Geometric, golden, crisscrossed lines embellish the corners of this prayer. Cursive script swirls around the title of this prayer and also the beginning of each stanza. Before your son was yours, he was God’s. God knit him together in the womb. As parents, we
    pray that our children will accept Jesus Christ as their savior and will learn to approach the throne of grace with their requests. We pray that they will seek Him in their decisions whether big or small. 

    We pray that they will be kind, humble, and forgiving. This edifying prayer serves as a reminder to your son as it reminds him of Philippians 4:6-7, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ
    Jesus.” As you pray for him to seek out and walk the straight and narrow path put before him by God, he will be reminded that he need not be anxious. He has the freedom and privilege to rejoice in the peace and protection only found in walking in the ways of the Lord

    This item is a digital print that is available in five different sizes, from small to large, and can be downloaded and printed out in the size of your choice without any loss of quality whatsoever.

    There is nothing like a stylish Christian piece to adorn a Christian home and boost one’s faith. That’s why we provide you with five printing options for your prayer print so that it looks amazing whichever size you choose (see our Features section for more info about sizes).

    Prayers are powerful spiritual tools as well as a blessing for those we offer them to. Therefore, our printed prayers are carefully designed to ensure that they are not only Bible-based and spiritually compelling but also aesthetically pleasing, with a crisp and elegant finish.

    The high quality of our printable prayers (300 DPI) means that they will look equally beautiful whether you display them in a small photo frame to keep on a desk or as wall art in a large frame to add a Christian touch to your home. Likewise, you might print medium-sized images and punch some holes into them before adding them to a Sunday School binder or personal planner (see our Printing Tips section).

  • Specifications

    This prayer is a PRINTABLE and is sold as a DIGITAL ITEM (no PHYSICAL ITEM will be sent).

    What is a printable? A printable is a digital file (PDF or JPG file format depending on the item you are purchasing) that you pay for once, download to your computer (tablets and phones are not suitable for downloading large files), and print as many times as you want for your personal use.

    Upon payment, you will receive a link to download your printable. Once downloaded, your printable will be located in a ZIP folder that contains images and documents (your purchased printable, a Bonus print and a Printing Guide). Your printable can be printed in six different sizes, making it suitable and versatile for any type of decorative project (e.g., wall art, home decor, planner, photo frame).

  • Features

    Your printable comes in one size 21 cm x 29.7 cm and in two formats PDF and JPEG. 

    It's an International paper size file that can be resized for printing: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6. 

    It might print with a white margin on US Letter paper.

  • Printing Tips

    Printable art is an easy and affordable way to personalize your home or office with Christian prayers and Bible-based material. You can print at home, at your local print shop, or upload the files to an online printing service of your choice.

    Printing paper: you may want to choose a very simple and plain printing paper, such as a shiny, glossy, or matte photo paper for a more elegant touch, or you could choose a strong, card-like type of paper to create a nice, sturdy copy of your printable. Alternatively, you can use any other kind of printing material of your choice.

    Printing at home: ensure you follow the instructions for your printer depending on the size you wish to print out (i.e., for a size A5, you want to make sure that you load your printer with A5 printing paper, adjust the edge guide, select A5 within the prints settings, etc.).

    Printing locally: ensure that you request a sample in your chosen size from your local printer before going ahead. Feel free to ask them questions about the types of printing paper available based on your budget and your project (e.g., wall art, photo frame, personal planner, etc.).

    Printing online: simply type in keywords such as “online printing” in Google, followed by the name of your town – for instance, “online printing London” – and you should see a list of various online printers that deliver to your area. Take the time to check whether they offer prints in the size of your choosing, the type of paper they offer, their delivery fees, etc. It is sometimes cheaper to order a few copies rather than a single print, so don’t hesitate to increase the quantity of your order and simply give away the extra copies to your church, friends, or family. Better yet, frame them in a nice photo frame and offer them as a gift for a birthday or a special occasion … which leads us nicely to the next section: framing.

  • Framing Tips

    When choosing a photo or picture frame for your printable, always double-check the size you want to display it in. Indeed, some frames are sold with inside mounts that may reduce the visibility of your printable or hide parts of it.

    Others may have narrow borders that might require you to trim your printable a little to fit it in. For that reason, our advice is to always do a printout first in your chosen size, then measure it with a tape so you can select a frame more accurately.

    For instance, if your print is 14 inches by 11 inches and you wish to display it in all its glory in a nice picture frame with a mount, you will confidently select a frame that is 18 inches by 14 inches with a display size of 14 inches by 11, safe in the knowledge that your printable will be completely visible.

    Likewise, if your printable comes with a bleed (a margin of 0.125” as an extension of the print), you may want to choose a frame with thin borders in order to hide the bleed while showing the printable in its entirety.

    Again, it is wisest to have a print handy before choosing a picture or photo frame. That being said, not all prints require frames – you may well decide to have your printable printed on a canvas or a sturdy, card-like type of paper. These can work very well for wall art and home décor and don’t require any frames at all.

    Regarding photo frames, feel free to check at your local DIY or home décor store for some nice photo frames. Alternatively, you may want to try online stores like Amazon that offer a wide range of photo frames.